{{# @name Search @desc The search template showing search results, if you enable the search form partial in `views/navigation/_main.antlers.html` and the route in `routes/web.php`. #}} {{# Yield a title to the SEO partial. #}} {{ section:seo_title }} {{ trans:strings.search }} {{ /section:seo_title }}
{{ partial:typography/h1 class="mb-2" content="{trans:strings.search_results_for} "{get:q}"" }}
{{ search:results }} {{ if no_results }}
{{ partial:typography/paragraph content="{trans:strings.search_no_results}" }}
{{ else }}
{{ permalink }} {{ partial:typography/h2 class="mt-0" color="text-primary" :content="title" }}

{{# Sow the SEO meta description if available. #}} {{ if seo_description }} {{ seo_description }} {{# Fall back to the bard field. #}} {{ elseif page_builder }} {{ page_builder limit="1" }} {{ if article }} {{ article where="type:text" limit="1" }} {{ text | strip_tags | trim | safe_truncate:180:... }} {{ /article }} {{# Or a field called `text`. #}} {{ elseif text }} {{ text | trim | safe_truncate:180:... }} {{ /if }} {{ /page_builder }} {{ /if }}

{{ /if }} {{ /search:results }}