{{# @name Browser appearance @desc The browser appearance snippet for the `` to include browser specific meta tags Peak generated favicons. #}} {{ if browser_appearance:disable_telephone_detection }} {{ /if }} {{ if browser_appearance:disable_email_detection }} {{ /if }} {{ if browser_appearance:disable_address_detection }} {{ /if }} {{ if browser_appearance:use_theme_color }} {{ if browser_appearance:use_theme_color_dark_mode }} {{ /if }} {{ /if }} {{ if browser_appearance:apple_mobile_web_app }} {{ if browser_appearance:apple_status_bar_black }} {{ /if }} {{ /if }} {{ if browser_appearance:android_mobile_web_app }} {{ /if }} {{ if browser_appearance:use_favicons }} {{# SVG of any size, main icon #}} {{# Single color Safari icon, on transparent bg #}} {{# iOS touch icons. 180x180 #}} {{ if browser_appearance:apple_touch_icon }} {{ else }} {{ /if }} {{# manifest.json for lighthouse one 512x512 #}} {{ /if }}